To create exceptional results for our partners, by developing new homes for business and community.
This is our mission at Sentry Property Group, it’s the reason why we focus locally and continue to establish ourselves within the community.
We achieve these results by establishing partnerships with like minded entrepreneurs with a passion and desire to make a positive impact in their community.
Sentry Property Group Inc. (SPG) is the foundation of a diverse group of companies which encompasses development, capital raising and management, supporting apartment, commercial and retail real estate industries. We focus on projects that will establish new homes for business and community, while providing full management of the assets and enabling partnership opportunities, which are unique private alternative investment.
Sentry's Co-Founders Darrin and Anthony are actively involved with SPG today. Their background spans decades of experience with the industry ranging from Business, Sales, Marketing, Management and Engineering. Their passion for the real estate is engrained with a unique company experience. It is forged by trust, honesty and integrity, resulting in a new thriving business that is quickly becoming a leader in the local real estate industry.
Our objective is to enhance community through Real Estate development.
Revitalize and Modernize properties to provide clean, safe and quality living spaces that enhance business and community.
Simply stated, the values we apply to all of our entrepreneurial efforts encompass; Honesty, Integrity and Transparency.
To create exceptional projects through revitalization; offering businesses and community a new place to call home.